
- 我們結婚去紀錄著從雞屁股先生求婚、我們一起選婚戒到結婚的經過!
- 來去夏威夷系列記錄著我們去夏威夷度蜜月的行程計畫與遊記!
- 婚姻關係是阿P偶爾有感而發的心情日記與婚姻好文分享...
- 阿P上菜則是記錄著阿P的廚房實驗(雞屁股先生是滿足幸福的白老鼠!)


[婚宴] MV歌曲 Chicken Fried 炸雞歌

怎麼會有人婚宴MV放跟炸雞有關的歌? 請聽我娓娓道來...

話說我們當初選婚宴歌曲時,上youtube聽了好多不同的「情歌」。很多歌剛開始不錯,然後突然中間一轉變成兩人分手或其中一人去世超悲慘... 還有一首聽起來好聽又蠻很適合,然後繼續聽下去才發覺是唱給他女兒的...
我跟雞屁股先生只有開車的時候偶爾會開收音機,有天聽到這首歌,旋律歌詞都很"catchy"(朗朗上口?),不久我們就跟著哼、跟著唱。重點是... 歌詞是有關吃的啦! 我們在美國南部認識,也住了一段時間,所以跟歌詞裡說的炸雞、啤酒、sweet tea (其實就是加糖加到甜死不償人的紅茶)、胡桃派(pecan pie)都很熟。加上以阿P我在台灣明明是中號的身材,淪落到在美國很難得買得到合身的牛仔褲,於是聽到這首歌的第三句"A pair of jeans that fit just right"真是感同身受啊!


And a little bit of chicken fried (炸雞!)
Cold beer on a Friday night (冰啤酒!)
A pair of jeans that fits just right (合身的牛仔褲!)
And the radio up (音樂!)
Well I've seen the sunrise (日出!)
See the love in my woman's eyes (另一半!)
Feel the touch of a precious child (家人!)
And know a mother's love (父母!)

And it's funny how it's the simple things in life that mean the most
Not where you live, what you drive or the price tag on your clothes
There's no dollar sign on a peace of mind this I've come to know

So if you agree have a drink with me
Raise you glasses for a toast
To a little bit of chicken fried


我們MV的歌一直找不到,也聽情歌聽想吐了,突然靈機一動... why not? 我們既然喜歡這首歌,那就放在MV裡吧! 於是我們MV開始時先放抒情的"When God Made You"(歌詞)配合兩人出生、成長、家人及認識前的照片。開始敘述認識過程時,我們就改放這首Zac Brown Band的"Chicken Fried"炸雞歌,聽起來很鄉村也很開心的感覺! (並且配合我們倆個愛吃的個性...)

Chicken Fried
By Zac Brown Band
(Amazon mp3單曲下載)

You know I like my chicken fried
Cold beer on a Friday night
A pair of jeans that fits just right
And the radio up

Well I was raised up beneath the shade of a Georgia pine
And that's home you know
Sweet tea pecan pie and homemade wine
Where the peaches grow
And my house its not much to talk about
But it's filled with love that's grown in southern ground
And a little bit of chicken fried

Cold beer on a Friday night
A pair of jeans that fits just right
And the radio up
Well I've seen the sunrise
See the love in my woman's eyes
Feel the touch of a precious child
And know a mother's love

And it's funny how it's the simple things in life that mean the most
Not where you live, what you drive or the price tag on your clothes
There's no dollar sign on a peace of mind this I've come to know
So if you agree have a drink with me
Raise you glasses for a toast
To a little bit of chicken fried

Cold beer on a Friday night
A pair of jeans that fits just right
And the radio up
Well I've seen the sunrise
See the love in my woman's eyes
Feel the touch of a precious child
And know a mother's love

----------------以下我們沒有包括在婚禮 MV裡----------------
I thank God for my life
And for the stars and stripes
May freedom forever fly, let it ring.
Salute the ones who died
the ones that gave their lives so we don't have to sacrifice
All the things we love

Like our chicken fried
Cold beer on a Friday night
A pair of jeans that fits just right
And the radio up
Well I've seen the sunrise
See the love in my woman's eyes
Feel the touch of a precious child
And know a mother's love

You know I like my chicken fried
Cold beer on a Friday night
A pair of jeans that fits just right
And the radio up
Well I've seen the sunrise
See the love in my woman's eyes
Feel the touch of a precious child
And know a mother's love


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